Thursday, August 21, 2008

Board #4 A Korean Celebration

I made this board for another fellow Knottie of mine (you can just assume that about the next 15 boards or so that I create are specifically for some of my fellow knotties - love ya girls!) Knottie ameriasian sent me a picture of her reception hall carpet (the first picture in row 2) and asked me to help her out with colors. She mentioned that she was originally going with a dark blue, light blue and light yellow color scheme but after looking at the carpet I thought it would be great if we bump those colors up a notch. I thought mixing a dark blue with a deeper yellow and a touch of red would look great! She also mentioned she loved orchids and wanted to incorporate her Korean heritage into her big day... this is what I came up with...

Vision: cultural, fun
Colors: blue, red, yellow

Row 1: Korean garment and napkin from blog of hystudio, bridesmaids photo by parkerj from Bride's Cafe, orchid from Flickr, bridal bouquet from blog of hystudio, invitation WeddingPaperDivas
Row 2: ballroom courtesy of Knottie ameriasian, centerpiece ConstantChatter, Anna Maier dress Brides, P'ye-baek ceremony blog of hystudio, orchid centerpiece TheKnot, hair TheKnot
Row 3: Oleg Cassini gown from Brides, bridesmaids TheKnot, cake GlassSlipperGourmet, DiamondBride gown from Brides, orchid boutonniere Lindsey Docherty, dress Junebug Weddings

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